2 Teen Head of Households now homeless

Letter from Ndileka – I am not sure if I told you about the story of four young girls who are heading their households here in Bedford.  They are from two different families and they lost their parent to AIDS.  They find themselves homeless as their homes collapsed due to bad weather conditions for the past three years and because they didn’t know where to go after several attempts with the Councillor and last month they were referred to our program and that is how we found out about their problem.

I’m talking about young women who do not have anyone to run to for food or sanitary pads or toiletries of any kind, let alone food.  It is really hard and we have no money to help them.  I am praying the Global Giving community hears this plea.  In this Covid-19 era, much is needed everywhere, but surely these young women deserve the basic necessities of living for them and their siblings.

I give many thousand thanks for any donations to our program which we can distribute to this situation.  Thank you and God bless.  Stay safe, stay 6 feet apart, wear a mask, and wash hands in any way possible very often.

2 Teen head of households

2 Teen head of households



Empty cupboards

Empty cupboards

Now what?

Now what?

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