World AIDS Day 2012 at Siyaphambili

Guest and Volunteer

Red Ribbons for all

On December 1, 2012, Siyaphambili AIDS Orphan Village celebrated not only the lives of those present and ALIVE, but the memories of the many of our community whom we have lost to AIDS, including one or more parent of most of the children in the village.

But Siyaphambili also celebrated Mandla’s 50th Birthday on 1 December 2012!  He and Ndileka decided it would be a good occasion to bring joy into what could have been a sad day.    Instead, there was much joy, music, singing and dancing, toasts, food and drink for all the 100+ attendees and the celebration went into the night.     It was a wonderful party for young and old.



Elegant Tribal Elders

Elegant Tribal Elders

Drumming for the dance

Drumming for the dance

Mandla's 50th birthday

Mandla’s 50th birthday

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